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ROLE TITLE: Volunteer Coordinator

RESPONSIBLE TO: The Club Committee


  • Friendly
  • Enthusiastic
  • Reliable
  • Fun
  • Good listener
  • Excellent communicator
  • Ability to delegate
  • Basic computer and IT skills
  • Approachable
  • Motivator
  • Leader


  1. To ensure that at the heart of the club is a group of people who are in the right place at the right time with the right skills to enable the club to achieve its goals.


  1. Identify all volunteer roles within the club and match existing volunteers to these.
  2. To identify where there is a gap.
  3. To be innovative in where to recruit volunteers (both inside and outside of the club).
  4. To welcome new volunteers.
  5. To be the first point of contact for all volunteers.
  6. To identify training to support new and existing volunteers.
  7. To work with the county board, ECB and others to provide training and where appropriate access to funding.
  8. To maintain volunteers’ enthusiasm and identify new opportunities.
  9. To provide ongoing support and recognition for all volunteers.


Policy reviewed and updated by Bramshaw Committee Tuesday 5th February 2019

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