ROLE TITLE: Disability Officer
RESPONSIBLE TO: The Club Committee
- Previous experience working with people with a disability
- Good communicator
- Reliable and responsible
- Good knowledge of local schools
- Friendly and approachable
- Knowledge of school sport structure
- Experience in coaching
- To organise coaching and playing opportunities for players with disabilities.
- To ensure the facilities of the Cricket Club are accessible to all.
- To represent the club at school cricket festivals.
- To communicate with the schools to integrate the school players who have a disability into the club.
- To communicate and promote club activities within the schools.
- To promote the club and the disability activities within it to the County Board.
- To be aware of the pathways open for cricketers with a disability.
- To lead by example and be an agent for culture change within cricket in terms of inclusive practice.
Policy reviewed and updated by Bramshaw Committee Tuesday 5th February 2019