The Club cricket year 2024 did not get off to…

Chairmans Report 2015
What a difference the weather can make to a cricket season! The 1st eleven played all seventeen league games, with no game shortened due to rain. This is the first time I believe this has happened since Bramshaw started playing league back in 1974. The 2nd eleven could not play all their league fixtures as the opposition failed to raise a side on a couple of occasions. The 1st eleven played well throughout the season and won all but two games to win their division and gain promotion to County 2 for next year. The 2nd eleven had a better season than last year finishing in the lower half of their division.
The Border League was enjoyed by all who took part, but as the club had gained promotion to the top division we just failed to stay in it for next season.
Sunday cricket is still a problem, as too often we or the opposition fail to field a team. Moreover, although the weather was not as good on Sundays as it was on Saturdays the matches that were cancelled were always when both sides were able to field a team! As a club, we need to review the number of games we play on Sundays. The same goes for midweek touring games, which are played to raise income.
Unfortunately, the end-of-season tour to Devon had to be cancelled due to a fixture clash. Next season Andrew is hoping to arrange a tour to Gloucestershire.
During the winter the club had one side in the Romsey indoor league and finished top of the table to Win Division One.
This has been a good year for the club ending with 2 Titles and well done to all who played and helped.
This must be beneficial to the club for the future and prove to the juniors it is well worth playing senior cricket at Bramshaw.
As a club, we set out to provide better training facilities for the Colts and seniors for the 2015 season.
This was achieved with the help of generous sponsors and the very helpful Landford Parish Council, plus the enthusiasm of Lindsay, Zane, Brian, Phil and many others.
For next season we are hoping to provide an artificial wicket at Landford. To do this we have to get the Parish Council to give us permission. Assuming we get this we will hopefully have it ready for next season subject to getting the necessary funds together (approx. 9/10k). This we hope to achieve via sponsorship, grants and part club funds. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Leading on from the above I trust the junior members enjoyed their training at Landford as we were able to field 3 junior sides at under 9, 11 and 15. The under 9s played 5 matches winning 4 finishing runners up in their league. The under-11s played 5 matches winning 4. The under-15s played 6 matches winning 1. Well done to all who played.
I take this opportunity to thank all the captains, colts’ managers and many others for all their efforts on and off the field in organizing and running all the teams.
When a club has a good season many players achieve personal bests and match-winning performances. To mention a few Jamie Martin, Andy Hart, Zane D’Monte, Simon Booth of the 1st eleven and Bailey Loveless, Tom Mason and John Roberts for the 2nd eleven – all did extremely well.
With the weather more on his side this season Kevin provided excellent wickets to play on – proved by the type of results being achieved by our teams. With the colts training at Landford, has given Kevin better access to the ground. Brian again has looked after the Landford wicket so providing the backup for the Colt’s training. With their hard work, we have been able to enjoy our cricket at Bramshaw so on behalf of all the members a big THANK YOU.
The backup team of scorers – Pat, Jane, Theresa and others were ever present providing excellent support. Again Rosemary provided the teas for Saturdays with Hazel organizing the Sunday/Midweek teas with the help of wives, mums and girlfriends. Thanks to all.
The bar has been run by Andy with help from Mike, creating a good atmosphere for the after-game drinks and socializing. Again Ian and Bob have provided barbeques to back this up. This is our main way of generating money for the club to cover our running costs.
The presentation at the ground was well attended with excellent weather to make it all the better.
Thanks to Brian for all his organizing and to Emma and her team of helpers for providing food and support on the day.
To keep our finances and goals in good shape we need, as all clubs do, the help of donations and sponsors and therefore we thank all of them for their support over the past year.
Thanks to Brian, Andy, Phil, Zane, Theresa, Lindsay, Ram, Gary, Kevin and the rest of the committee for the hard work they have put in over the last year.
A major part of running the club – in particular the junior section – is being accredited to ‘Clubmark’ which regulates this side of cricket. This was up for renewal in September and has been completed by Brian with a lot of hard effort over the playing season and with the cooperation of the committee and general members. Well done!
To achieve our ambitions for the future we are always in need of help, particularly with the running of the junior section. If any of you can offer any help whatsoever please come forward and give us your support.
With the 2016 season to look forward to we need to recruit more playing members particularly now the 1st team has been promoted to County 2 which will be a big challenge. We are very grateful to Ram for running the Sunday side – a very difficult challenge given the many alternatives available to the modern player and our younger members. Thank you, Ram. The Sunday games turned out to be very much an on/off affair due to the lack of players in our club and in those of the opposition/availability and weather. The Sunday games are a great opportunity for young players to enter senior cricket so others/dads please join your sons/daughters in helping to make Sunday cricket possible for the coming season.
We have been approached by Nomansland Cricket Club who have proposed a merger with Bramshaw for the coming 2016 season. Meetings have taken place and we have in principle agreed to proceed with this merger. Details of how the merger is to be structured is in the process of being drawn up between our two clubs and will be presented to our members at the Bramshaw AGM. Your views and votes are very important so please make an effort to attend the AGM. Nomansland members will be invited to the AGM too.
To keep up to date with the club activities please follow the website and of course the newsletter that Brian provides. Articles for this will be gratefully received.
Arthur Stickland Chairman